Student Solution


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Week 8 - Assignment: Write a Complete Strategic Training Plan

Week 8 - Assignment

Q Imagine that you have been asked to develop a strategic training plan for a large multi-national firm with locations in the United States, Slovakia, India, and United Arab Emirates. Develop a complete strategic training plan for the organization. Include the following in your strategic training plan: • Provide a description of the organization. • Identify the business strategy. • Develop strategic training and development initiatives. • Evaluate the implications of your chosen initiatives. • Design a model for organizing your training department. • Recommend metrics that show the value of your plan. • Recommend and implement training initiatives. • Evaluate the plan and measure the end results. • Include cultural considerations in your plan along with a rationale for a high performance learning culture. Length: 10-12 pages References: A minimum of 15 scholarly references.

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In this paper, there will be a detailed discussion on developing a strategic plan for a large multinational firm. The name of the company is Thirst, which is operative in the retail industry of the United States, India, the United Arab Emirates, and Slovakia. This paper will explore different things that are needed for completing a perfect strategic training plan for this chosen company.